Monday 24 July 2017

Cloud Provider – Top 6 Security Topics in Cloud Computing

With the continuous rise in popularity of cloud computing, and with more and more businesses thinking of transferring their operations to the cloud, among the greatest concerns of most people that make them think twice before choosing a cloud provider is none other than security.  Is cloud really as secure as it claims it is?
The truth is that storing your data on the cloud is almost similar if not more even more secured as compared to keeping the information in a traditional infrastructure. However, just like conventional infrastructure, it is a must that you consider several security checkpoints. The checkpoints will represent any potential cracks in the cloud infrastructure security, and you will want to shore them up to ensure that your information will be as secured as you want it to be.
Your employees should learn to protect their passwords. You must put together your entire IT system to ensure that regular changes in password are normal, and you might also want to encourage complex and strong passwords. A weak password can give direct accessibility for people who would like to get hold of all their precious data.
Your Staff
Sadly, the most common threats to both traditional security and cloud hosting will often be those that are just right before your eyes. It might be best to hire workers who are trustworthy and always trust your instincts when looking for staff members. Never be reluctant in evaluating your workers for proper use of internet resources. You should also come up with pro-security policies, train your workers on these policies, and enforce the policies at all times.
You must strong hardware and software firewalls to retain the security of your data and keep these out of the hands of people who don’t have any business with it. For this, you might need to block popular sites to keep your workers from using them. Never be reluctant in doing this. Surfing the internet must never be a choice during working hours.
Software Patches
Whatever operating system you are using, all software packages being used within the organization must be updated through installing patches as they are released by your software provider. Improperly patched software will not likely protect your system from the latest virus and will serve as a door for people to want to gain access to your confidential data.

Data Backup
With the help of a cloud provider, you can backup all of your data. If you like to leave some data from the cloud, it is a must to keep the tightly secured system for backup. An off-site backup is often the safest choice in this case.
Access Control
The most common and fabulous way to store data is through cloud hosting but it will be deemed futile if this is not used for protecting outlets and controlling access. This is made simpler with the use of mobile devices to let it work from all locations. However, once these are left unsecured, these provide easy access to anyone who would like to take them.

For more information please have a look here Cloud Hosting Service Provider

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