Wednesday 4 January 2017

Cloud Provider – Who Should You Trust?

Majority of you learned those 5 W’s after memorizing the alphabet. They are just as useful to adults as they navigate the world and conduct the research you require to make vital decisions. For someone tasked with choosing a cloud provider, they are important, informing the questions you ask as you progress through the process of decision making. Besides, there’s no patent methodology exists to find a cloud provider. The process and the results will fully depend on the app in question and the requirements of every company. However, there are criteria important and these are reputation, performance, price, data security, and reliability.

With the numerous options online when it comes to cloud provider, it’s not easy to pick the one that’s reliable and trustworthy. So, before you close a deal with a cloud provider, consider these following:

Check The Provider’s Record

Research is basically the first step to ensure that you choose the best cloud provider. Does it have any negative reports? Does it have some customer complaints? Did they have some system failures? Know some facts before proceeding and exercise caution if something negative comes up.

Talk Numbers

Check the availability of the cloud service of your chosen provider and ask for the statistics about uptime. These are the numbers that any reliable cloud provider must be able to offer. Pay attention to the service availability and provider guarantee. Never be impressed by the values like 99% though. This could sound high, yet availability at this level corresponds to service failure for a year.


Take a look at how your cloud provider encrypts data. Aside from the secure encryption protocol, it is crucial that data is decrypted and encrypted. There are basically 3 methods for doing so, yet full-scale protection is achieved only through combining them all.

Data Encryption on the End Device

Data encryption on the end device ensures that the attackers that have access to the user terminals can’t access the encrypted data. The technical term for this kind of encryption is known as local encryption.

Data Encryption on the Server

Server-side encryption is basically the technical term for extra encryption of date performed on the server. It leaves governmental operators, authorities or possible attackers powerless.

Data Encryption Transmission

With what’s referred to as channel encryption, only data transmission is encrypted. There is no protection on the terminals or on the server, leaving them open to the governmental authorities, hackers or operator of the infrastructure of the cloud provider.

Everyone has to begin somewhere, yet that does not mean you should not take into consideration recommendations from some people. The more reviews, references, and tests a cloud provider may produce, the higher that your data will be in good hands, independent of the provider’s size.
At present, there are numerous cloud providers you can take for consideration. But, always be careful who you should trust as not all will give you the services or solutions you need.

For more information please click it here

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